Sunday, May 16, 2010

Magath struggle against the legacy Rutten

Cologne - "We have fulfilled our task sovereign - is enough for me right now."
Even at this rate of Felix Magath after his unadorned 4-0 against Schalke Fünftligist Germania Windeck a certain petulance is not to be missed.
But the "Coach of the Year 2009" is even more clearly - asked about the "pace" of his team, he picked apart the first work of his predecessor Fred Rutten.
"The players here for a year was said very different," he says cynically flagging offensive: "It is difficult, so bring out a behavior. I too had to first get used to it that we are not able to play the tempo football as in Wolfsburg. "
Until the time came, it "could take months," Magath disjoint. There are strong indications that "Quälix" which criticized the lack of fitness of his squad a long time, is put under a lot of possibilities on the head.
The most prominent "victims" could be called Jefferson Farfan. The proud Peruvians proud of last year 10 million euro transfer fee cost, was sitting on the bench Saturday surprisingly long - 90 minutes.
Friday he had "a beer drinking reported sick with cold symptoms," Magath said humorously. The lack of understanding for the Farfan is still indulged his beer, he is regarded, as he explains: "It is feared that he first fails to illness ..."
Magath wants to bring fresh blood evident in the Force, Saturday stood with Höwedes (21), Zambrano (20) Holtby (18), Rakitic (21) and Pliatsikas (21) five "Bubis" in the starting XI after the break was also Kenya and conceded an extra praise: "For his 18 years he makes phenomenal."
However, Magath knows he can not dispose of garbage Rutten-day to the next: "With so many young players, maybe it is something much more with it if it goes in the league for points."