Monday, May 10, 2010

Bayer is on the attack again

Leverkusen - For coach Bruno Labbadia have deleted the free days for now. On Sunday, he looked at the next Auswärtsgegner Eintracht Frankfurt.
"Eight games, six wins. The launch was successful. But has only made us greedy, "said coach Bruno Labbadia. "We want more. As a professional you strive for the maximum. "Bayer is on the attack!
In the office, Wolfgang wooden houses has almost the noise at the construction site BayArena. With an act of violence by (with all the noise) around 100 million euro will be placed the stadium on its feet. Bayer to invest in bricks. "When it is finished, it's most modern stadium in Germany," enthuses wooden houses.
He puts the money but also in legs. On his desk is a list of names. One of them is the Brazilian Thiago Silva. Three other central defender from South America stand on it. Wooden houses: "This is our most urgent item. It is not clear yet whether we have become active in the winter or only in the summer. "Money is obviously there, because wooden houses also confirmed the interest in the Swiss striker Eren Derdiyok. "I had a three-stage plan. Only the clean up. Then the consolidation. It is finished. Now we are investing again. The cake in the top of the Bundesliga has become smaller, there are more eaters there. We want to defend our share. "
Bayer is on the attack. Green light for it was from the corporate headquarters. Football is one of the favorite daughter of Werner Wenning. The Bayer boss asked new coach Bruno Labbadia before his commitment to the inaugural visit. "That impressed me. Bayer is a global business. That to me is charm and an obligation, "says the coach. Labbadia: "We are planning in the medium term, but need short-term success. For if we can convince our stars like Patrick Helmes Rene Adler or from staying here longer. Leverkusen is to be built something great. "
Read also: Bayer ready for the Champions League> If helmet hits, even the cleaning lady collects>