Sunday, May 23, 2010

CDU-OB-candidate: Here comes Kurth

Cologne - Nearly six weeks after the withdrawal of Fritz Schramma, the Cologne CDU found a new candidate for the Office of the Mayor: Peter Kurth (49), ex-Finance Senator of Berlin, now CFO of the waste disposal company, "Alba" and openly accepting gay.
He was from the start favorite for the nomination, "said Cologne's CDU-Chef Jürgen Hollstein the EXPRESS. "Peter Kurth is the ideal Candidate: He has business experience, political experience, he can lead companies and authorities."
He had Kurth raised several weeks ago, so Hollstein. The commitment of the financial manager had not been spontaneous, but he was looking forward to the return to the Rhine.
Peter Kurth was born 1960 in Siegburg, studied law in Bonn in 1977 and entered into the CDU. Beginning of the 90 years he worked at Deutsche Bank in Berlin and in 1996 was Secretary to the Finance Senator before he even took office in 1999. 2001 burst, the crisis-ridden Berliner CDU-SPD coalition, Kurth moved to the disposal Alba. In 2003 he was outed by a gay magazine and then publicly confessed to his homosexuality.
The Berlin crisis experience could help him in the equally fractious Cologne CDU, church assistance he has anyway: His brother, Dr. Bruno Kurth is dean of the city of Wuppertal, his uncle is the well-known priest in Cologne, Prof. Gerhard Herkenrath (St. Gereon, St. Michael, St. Alban).
The Cologne Peter Kurth party leadership will soon introduce to the public. Then members must formally agree on a party's candidacy yet.
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