Saturday, May 29, 2010

Looks like sex in sign language?

Even those who do not know the French language dominates, at once, what is at stake here.
The mission of French TV channel M6, the audience is obviously informed about sex.
Note the young lady on the right bottom of the screen ... The interpreter translates the sign language presenter with a very unique hand and body movements.
For weeks the video circulating on the Internet by 2007. But one question remains: Is this really from Sex in sign language?
EXPRESS.DE asked at the Cologne-sign interpreter Asta Limbach from the school, "Loor ens after". "You can show all of sign language - from quantum physics to sex," said Asta Limbach. "What makes that woman does, however, greatly exaggerated."
The video is currently on YouTube a real-hit rates - click HERE and smile>