Saturday, May 29, 2010

Looks like sex in sign language?

Even those who do not know the French language dominates, at once, what is at stake here.
The mission of French TV channel M6, the audience is obviously informed about sex.
Note the young lady on the right bottom of the screen ... The interpreter translates the sign language presenter with a very unique hand and body movements.
For weeks the video circulating on the Internet by 2007. But one question remains: Is this really from Sex in sign language?
EXPRESS.DE asked at the Cologne-sign interpreter Asta Limbach from the school, "Loor ens after". "You can show all of sign language - from quantum physics to sex," said Asta Limbach. "What makes that woman does, however, greatly exaggerated."
The video is currently on YouTube a real-hit rates - click HERE and smile>

Sunday, May 23, 2010

CDU-OB-candidate: Here comes Kurth

Cologne - Nearly six weeks after the withdrawal of Fritz Schramma, the Cologne CDU found a new candidate for the Office of the Mayor: Peter Kurth (49), ex-Finance Senator of Berlin, now CFO of the waste disposal company, "Alba" and openly accepting gay.
He was from the start favorite for the nomination, "said Cologne's CDU-Chef Jürgen Hollstein the EXPRESS. "Peter Kurth is the ideal Candidate: He has business experience, political experience, he can lead companies and authorities."
He had Kurth raised several weeks ago, so Hollstein. The commitment of the financial manager had not been spontaneous, but he was looking forward to the return to the Rhine.
Peter Kurth was born 1960 in Siegburg, studied law in Bonn in 1977 and entered into the CDU. Beginning of the 90 years he worked at Deutsche Bank in Berlin and in 1996 was Secretary to the Finance Senator before he even took office in 1999. 2001 burst, the crisis-ridden Berliner CDU-SPD coalition, Kurth moved to the disposal Alba. In 2003 he was outed by a gay magazine and then publicly confessed to his homosexuality.
The Berlin crisis experience could help him in the equally fractious Cologne CDU, church assistance he has anyway: His brother, Dr. Bruno Kurth is dean of the city of Wuppertal, his uncle is the well-known priest in Cologne, Prof. Gerhard Herkenrath (St. Gereon, St. Michael, St. Alban).
The Cologne Peter Kurth party leadership will soon introduce to the public. Then members must formally agree on a party's candidacy yet.
Also of Interest
Ralph Sterck (FDP): I go on anyway

Monday, May 17, 2010

Large yoga mat


From the recent times many people have grow to be aware of the many benefits how the practice of yoga offers. This phenomenon has struck masses allover the planet. The junior plus the old, guys, girls health and fitness freaks and also experts are turning towards yoga exercise like by no means prior to. When this kind of significant could be the quantity from the yoga exercise enthusiasts it really is important that this important information on every one of the elements with this form be supplied on the persons. This article will try and focus on a person this kind of element of yoga exercise, the yoga pads.

thick yoga mat

The requirement with the yoga mats vary using the train of yoga exercise. You will discover plenty of possibilities out there for all varieties of yoga users in order to pick out a person according to their own specifications. The yoga mats are out there to accommodate all styles, sizes with the body and also the distinct yoga asanas. The expecting mums take up yoga exercise to make certain sound wellness for them as well as the infant. On the other hand, for these types of ladies the choice in the thick yoga mat is extremely important. Greatest health care have to be taken just before choosing a person. Trying it out initial is recommended. The leading prerequisite of mats for this kind of females will normally be a thick cushion. Even so, it truly is suitable that the tips of the concerned physician including a trained yoga teacher have to be seeked.

For that normal yoga exercise professionals the yoga mats that are firm and about an in . taller may be perfect. Further, one ought to take under consideration the use as well as the personal preferences though buying the yoga mat.

The popularity of yoga exercise has built it probable to quickly get a right kind of yoga exercise mat that could be suitable for your personal train. It is possible to even purchase on the net for this kind of mat’s as there are a lot of web-sites that facilitate the yoga mats selling and acquire around the world wide web.

Yoga exercise is a whole lot distinct compared to other stretching workout that you simply need to be practicing inside well being club. It is a a lot more improving encounter that rejuvenates the mind, body plus the heart. A yoga mat is really a necessity if you ever eye to reap the maximum positive aspects by exercising the yoga asanas.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Magath struggle against the legacy Rutten

Cologne - "We have fulfilled our task sovereign - is enough for me right now."
Even at this rate of Felix Magath after his unadorned 4-0 against Schalke Fünftligist Germania Windeck a certain petulance is not to be missed.
But the "Coach of the Year 2009" is even more clearly - asked about the "pace" of his team, he picked apart the first work of his predecessor Fred Rutten.
"The players here for a year was said very different," he says cynically flagging offensive: "It is difficult, so bring out a behavior. I too had to first get used to it that we are not able to play the tempo football as in Wolfsburg. "
Until the time came, it "could take months," Magath disjoint. There are strong indications that "Quälix" which criticized the lack of fitness of his squad a long time, is put under a lot of possibilities on the head.
The most prominent "victims" could be called Jefferson Farfan. The proud Peruvians proud of last year 10 million euro transfer fee cost, was sitting on the bench Saturday surprisingly long - 90 minutes.
Friday he had "a beer drinking reported sick with cold symptoms," Magath said humorously. The lack of understanding for the Farfan is still indulged his beer, he is regarded, as he explains: "It is feared that he first fails to illness ..."
Magath wants to bring fresh blood evident in the Force, Saturday stood with Höwedes (21), Zambrano (20) Holtby (18), Rakitic (21) and Pliatsikas (21) five "Bubis" in the starting XI after the break was also Kenya and conceded an extra praise: "For his 18 years he makes phenomenal."
However, Magath knows he can not dispose of garbage Rutten-day to the next: "With so many young players, maybe it is something much more with it if it goes in the league for points."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bayer is on the attack again

Leverkusen - For coach Bruno Labbadia have deleted the free days for now. On Sunday, he looked at the next Auswärtsgegner Eintracht Frankfurt.
"Eight games, six wins. The launch was successful. But has only made us greedy, "said coach Bruno Labbadia. "We want more. As a professional you strive for the maximum. "Bayer is on the attack!
In the office, Wolfgang wooden houses has almost the noise at the construction site BayArena. With an act of violence by (with all the noise) around 100 million euro will be placed the stadium on its feet. Bayer to invest in bricks. "When it is finished, it's most modern stadium in Germany," enthuses wooden houses.
He puts the money but also in legs. On his desk is a list of names. One of them is the Brazilian Thiago Silva. Three other central defender from South America stand on it. Wooden houses: "This is our most urgent item. It is not clear yet whether we have become active in the winter or only in the summer. "Money is obviously there, because wooden houses also confirmed the interest in the Swiss striker Eren Derdiyok. "I had a three-stage plan. Only the clean up. Then the consolidation. It is finished. Now we are investing again. The cake in the top of the Bundesliga has become smaller, there are more eaters there. We want to defend our share. "
Bayer is on the attack. Green light for it was from the corporate headquarters. Football is one of the favorite daughter of Werner Wenning. The Bayer boss asked new coach Bruno Labbadia before his commitment to the inaugural visit. "That impressed me. Bayer is a global business. That to me is charm and an obligation, "says the coach. Labbadia: "We are planning in the medium term, but need short-term success. For if we can convince our stars like Patrick Helmes Rene Adler or from staying here longer. Leverkusen is to be built something great. "
Read also: Bayer ready for the Champions League> If helmet hits, even the cleaning lady collects>

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Festhaus by top architect?

Bonn-Not making a mess, but show off: When architectural competition for the construction of the Beethoven Festival Hall ran only the best will in the world!
In the next few days, the invitations go out to the competition to the currently most renowned architects. And as the Express was told one name stands high on the list: Sir Norman Foster, architect of the glass-domed Reichstag in Berlin.
This was confirmed on Tuesday, Professor Manfred Harnischfeger, communications chief of Deutsche Post. "We will invite a limited group of architects of world leaders. Here, the target is very clear: The project should not cost more than 75 million euros will be. If you are planning more, has no chance. "
The three DAX companies post, Telekom and Postbank, who pay to sponsor the Festival Hall, favor the so-called integration model. Should read: The new building will be fitted into the existing Beethovenhalle. But, says Manfred Harnischfeger, a completely new Beethoven festival temple is inconceivable.
In another area of interest is also something: Federal Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck (SPD), who lives in Bonn privately, met with the CEOs of the three sponsoring DAX companies.
The lap laid down: The idea of hiring a founding director, will be dropped. Instead, a three-member Panel will be formed that prepares the artistic release.
As the Express was told it should be, where to Ilona Schmiel, director of the Beethoven Festival, the internationally active concert manager Karsten Witt and Jurgen Flimm, director of the Salzburg Festival.
The project Beethoven Festival Hall now appears in several places to be vigorously pursued. Thus, met on Monday, another round: Mayor Baerbel Dieckmann had already Ilona Schmiel and Dr. Karl-Gerhard Eick mentioned, Chief Financial Officer of Deutsche Telekom, as a guest. Also in this conversation in the town hall focused on the arts as a successful start of the Festival.