Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Title worth: Each player collects 250,000 euros

Frankfurt / Main - The title at the European Championships indiesem summer would pay off financially for the German national team:
For first place in Switzerland undÖsterreich would be the European Championship record bonus of 250,000 euros per man-this is due to the EURO 2004, an increase of 150 percent.
An agreement to that of Mannschaftsrat of the DFB team captained by Michael Ballack after talks with the head of the German Football Federation (DFB) in Frankfurt / Main.
"The team has moved emphatically reiterate that there is money only after the preliminary round überstandenist," said manager Oliver Bierhoff on Tuesday to starkleistungsbezogenen similar scheme as in the recent World Cup.
Deutschlandhätte it in 2006, respectively 300,000 euros for the title given.
Reaching the quarter-finals in Euro 2008 would bring jedemSpieler 50,000 Euros, 100,000 Euros and the semi-finals dieFinalteilnahme 150,000.
A portion of the premiums will pass according dieMannschaft Bierhoff ( "A high six-figure sum") to einsoziales project for the Women's World Cup 2011.