Saturday, April 10, 2010

Inventing women (46) rape?

Bonn - the woman who invented a rape because her 16-year-old son she caught having sex with a man: Now, the 46-year-old is fighting before the Appeals Chamber against a ruling of the district court.
In the lower court she had been convicted of false accusation to 18 months jail on probation.
What happened on 3 March 2004 at the home in the Bernkasteler street? Was it a rape, the woman is told her son, the seconds before, was surprisingly burst into the apartment? The 16-year-old had seen his mother on the living room couch sex with a man.
Or was it an invented story and the sex willingly? Two of them go out of district judge, which only the 40-year-old man acquitted of charges of rape, later today condemned the 46-year-old woman. The representatives of the prosecutor in both trials believed that the woman is lying. Reason: Too much has become enmeshed in various versions.
But now hope to germinate: Against the alleged rapist is determined again because of a sex offense. He allegedly molested a woman in Dusseldorf in the tram.