Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Title worth: Each player collects 250,000 euros

Frankfurt / Main - The title at the European Championships indiesem summer would pay off financially for the German national team:
For first place in Switzerland undÖsterreich would be the European Championship record bonus of 250,000 euros per man-this is due to the EURO 2004, an increase of 150 percent.
An agreement to that of Mannschaftsrat of the DFB team captained by Michael Ballack after talks with the head of the German Football Federation (DFB) in Frankfurt / Main.
"The team has moved emphatically reiterate that there is money only after the preliminary round überstandenist," said manager Oliver Bierhoff on Tuesday to starkleistungsbezogenen similar scheme as in the recent World Cup.
Deutschlandhätte it in 2006, respectively 300,000 euros for the title given.
Reaching the quarter-finals in Euro 2008 would bring jedemSpieler 50,000 Euros, 100,000 Euros and the semi-finals dieFinalteilnahme 150,000.
A portion of the premiums will pass according dieMannschaft Bierhoff ( "A high six-figure sum") to einsoziales project for the Women's World Cup 2011.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Already 17,000 patients in North Rhine-Westphalia

The Noro virus is transmitted insidiously, in crowds, causes vomiting, diarrhea, nasty - and is on the rise: 17,000 people contracted the disease this winter in North Rhine-Westphalia, 12,000 more than last year. And rising - and that just before Carnival. Ruined the pathogen, the session?
EXPRESS clarifies the main issues with Dr. Ulrich van Treeck by the National Institute for Health and Labor.
More than three times as many disorders, such as in the previous year, 2300 new cases in the last week. "The real figure is huge," warns Dr. Van Treeck "because not many people go to the doctor."
Why does the virus ever reaches farther, ' "Dr. Van Treeck: "The massive increase in this winter has completely surprised us. It is possible that the virus changed compared to last year, has become more aggressive. When creating new subtypes, increases the risk of contagion. "
Also not explained is also the early onset of the epidemic. Dr. Van Treeck: "We had the first cases in November - the year before it first went up in December."
The virus could spoil us the carnival? "We expect that the patient numbers in the carnival again neatly top speed - the infection when conditions are ideal Bützer, swaying and hugging. In addition, Carnival this year is extremely early - and falls exactly in the Noro-time. "
May we celebrate it anyway? Celebration is okay if this one pays attention to hygiene. Especially in public toilets and door handles in bars cavort viruses. So spend a lot of washing their hands when it ships. And who is ill should stay at home in any case - and the other fools indulge their fun. "

Friday, April 16, 2010

Off beaten into frustration at car

Dormagen - The wrong time parked in the wrong place. The most bewildered motorists must have thought when he saw his wantonly demolished vehicle.
His car was obviously a cyclist in the way of rausließ after falling all his rage. With bare fists the 26-year-old banging on the car in Dormagen. He broke all the windows, tore off all the mirrors. So his anger was not appeased ago. Now, the paint had to believe it.
Summoned the police arrived at the tyrant in action. Meanwhile, the owner of the car was ready to hold on beating the man.
Finally Ideal for seminars, mother hurried to the maniacal and declared that the son Verhaltenihres correlations presumably with the consumption of drugs. A doctor warded the Perplexed to a mental hospital.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Inventing women (46) rape?

Bonn - the woman who invented a rape because her 16-year-old son she caught having sex with a man: Now, the 46-year-old is fighting before the Appeals Chamber against a ruling of the district court.
In the lower court she had been convicted of false accusation to 18 months jail on probation.
What happened on 3 March 2004 at the home in the Bernkasteler street? Was it a rape, the woman is told her son, the seconds before, was surprisingly burst into the apartment? The 16-year-old had seen his mother on the living room couch sex with a man.
Or was it an invented story and the sex willingly? Two of them go out of district judge, which only the 40-year-old man acquitted of charges of rape, later today condemned the 46-year-old woman. The representatives of the prosecutor in both trials believed that the woman is lying. Reason: Too much has become enmeshed in various versions.
But now hope to germinate: Against the alleged rapist is determined again because of a sex offense. He allegedly molested a woman in Dusseldorf in the tram.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pessimism makes things worse

Berlin - We were told: Germany could be spared by the crisis. Yet in June, economists said growth for 2009 in advance.
Now the exact opposite: The Economic Prophet outdo each other with bad news! 2009 the worst year since the founding of the Federal Republic would be! Stop, now goes by Professor Michael Huether between. Such pessimism was "irresponsible"?
That indeed was already an "above bietungswettbewerb" the bad news, also complained of Economics Michael Glos (CSU). Especially the RWI in Essen had dramatically warned before the biggest recession since the Federal Republic, with two percent economic downturn. Then came Friday, the Ifo Institute in Munich with the number of 2.2 per cent decline. The same institute had predicted in June an increase of one percent!
Make predictions because any sense? "Economic forecasts are useful if they are on a reasonably solid foundation," says Huether, director of the Institute of German Economy (IW) in Cologne. "Just at the moment, market participants behave like motorists who drove off in the sun and hurtling suddenly a wall of fog. You get full on the brakes, because they do not know what to expect. "
Irresponsible prediction market was "unpredictable at the moment," said Huether to EXPRESS. Who goes there, such as the Ifo Institute, would say exactly 2.2 percent of the decimal place, how much gross domestic product will decline in 2009, the overcharge forecasts and in danger of making mood, so his criticism. "This is irresponsible, because it may perpetuate a trend that could halt or even shot."
Citizens see prices positivDenn there - "we like it hard to believe - positive signs for 2009, Huether. "One starts with the consumer: The consumer confidence has increased." The citizens have a keen sense of the evolution of prices. And the fall and would continue to fall. "It provides that when we act in economic policy, therefore, be based around the demand with a tax cut is a good chance of solving the again of shock, Huether confident.
Industry President Juergen Thumann also warned against a rush of negative news. A survey of the BDI among medium-sized revealed that the company daransetzten everything to keep their core workforce.
Also read: Commuters get back 3 billion euros> The financial crisis is forcing BMW and Mercedes in the knees> 500-euro vouchers Germany> split