Wednesday, February 24, 2010

21-year-old admits crossbow murder of sex-mate

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Aachen - confessed to the process gets under way: A 21-year-old man has confessed before the court in Aachen, having shot his younger friend from behind togetherness crossbow. The reasons for the fact ersich on Wednesday but did not comment yet.
 According to the indictment, the two young men had a sexual relationship hattendie. The jüngerehabe but rather "wide contacts with women," the elder unterhalten.Deshalb had him on 3 April with a crossbow one 30Zentimeter long arrow with a metal tip into the back of bullets. Thus crimes committed when the victim was sitting in front einemComputerbildschirm.
   The body was later a walker in the Rurgefunden. Two friends had alsvermisst reported the 19-year-olds to the police.
Only when the autopsy, the very small, abertödliche wound was discovered on the back of the victim. DerTat was arrested five days after the 21-year-old. Witnesses described the beidenFreunde was very different: The quiet older undzurückhaltend with little social contact. Have been against the younger solllebensfroh, funny and outgoing.
   The accused told the court brief and monotone: "DerTatvorwurf is correct." He had often been annoyed about his friend ausHauptschulzeiten and felt exploited by him.
 Diewenigen sexual contacts with each other were more herausentstanden out of curiosity and could not be based on homosexual inclinations. Forthe murder trial are scheduled four court sessions.