Thursday, June 10, 2010

Circuit will turn the corner

Düsseldorf -
DEG is play on Sunday, has no chance, the last appearance with the 1:2 Penaltypleite against Frankfurt irreparable. Instead, the loser went on Saturday for training on the ice, was previously first "optical cruelty" is announced. "I find the guys in a long video study have again shown their mistakes very well. As anyone could see what he has just delivered, "said coach Harold get circle whose job it is according to Manager Lance Nethery," more power from the players. "
After a disappointing season so far, the coach is required. "We have often played poorly, with too little use and too little pressure to goal. This was all much too complicated, and we also have given the opponents goals by mistake, "said the 50-year-old. "Everybody is frustrated. It is high time that we turn the corner. "
Probably next weekend too with Korbinian Holzer. An MRI revealed on Saturday that the Defense combatant from the Frankfurt-Match only a slight stretch bands and a compression of the cartilage behind the kneecap has suffered. Team physician Dr. Alois Teuber: "Normally, he can play again next weekend."